Hey, I’m Emily
I am a community based art educator, fashion designer, and artist.
Teaching Philosophy
Reggio Emilia
My curricula follow the Reggio Emilia1 approach to emergent curriculum, focusing on lessons guided by students’ interests. The physical classroom space serves as a third teacher, or an environment that encourages the growth and development of my students as they lead their inquiries. In my classroom, Students at all ages are encouraged to play and explore through their art.
One of the ways I work towards equity in art and education is by using contemporary artists who represent the cultural and lived experiences of my students. Showing students contemporary artists that reflect their background can help students relate more to art as a personal and communal work. Marshall, Stewart, and Thulson4 (2021) cite the benefits of teaching contemporary art with themes and write “Instead, the ideas present in a work become a way that viewers can find significance in their own ideas as they allow themselves to consider differing perspectives on previously held assumptions (p. 21)”.
2024 TLAD Cohort co-curated and co-designed our 2024 RISD Grad show space. We collaboratively designed a community art mural as well as a space to hang out in and read students’ theses.
Recent Projects
Garment Making as a Practice of Freedom 2024
My Masters Thesis, entitled GArment Making as a Practice of Freedom, was a project designed to give free socially engaged fashion design classes to high school students
Nueronic 2023
A series of screen printed textile pieces inspired by the anatomy of a nueron.
Get in Touch!
Feel free to reach out with any questions, collaberation ideas!